Around the World at Epcot – Cover page and China notebooking printables

Guess who’s going to Disney!?!?! Planning a trip to Disney World over the next few months is going to be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to tie in the fun of Disney to our school day. And fun school is always a stressless school!
The World Showcase at Epcot provides a perfect link to Social Studies. All those countries just asking to be studied! And map reading skills! How fun does that sound? I’ll be adding new files as I finish them up. We’re starting with China so those are up first!
We’ll be using binders and 3-hole punched pages for our notebooking so that we can add pages as we go (because that’s how I roll). Here’s the layout so far.
Cover page – Around the World at Epcot Cover
Epcot blank map – We’ll be labeling this blank map as we study each country. Hopefully by the time we visit we’ll be experts at navigating even though I’ve never been.
Click images for previews.
Each country represented in Epcot will have its own cover page and tab for easy navigation followed by 4 pages of research/ study guide.
- Country overview: Color location on world map, draw and color flag, research “vital statistics”, foods, animals and famous people.
- Language & Fun Facts: Look up & translate 7 common phrases (on and blank lines for independent research.
- Timeline: Themed page with space for 6 events in the country’s history.
- Map: Blank country map. Instructions to label key landmarks and identify bordering countries (14 for China!).
I still need to complete a page for listing the attractions, dining and entertainment in each Epcot country. And I love the idea of collecting souvenirs during our trip (menus, pictures, postcards) to add to our notebooks/ binders.
That’s the basic plan for now (subject to change). What am I forgetting or what would you add?